First published to on 11/12/2016
I am 21 weeks pregnant, and yesterday I got to take an emergency trip to the hospital. Thankfully, it wasn’t due to complications with the pregnancy. Unfortunately, it was spurred by complications in society. I read responses to an article from my chosen tribe that were full of division, hate, name calling, and separation. My heart rate rose, and my blood pressure dropped causing me to pass out, bite my tongue, and piss myself. Ah, when metaphor turns literal…
My morning started as most do, putzing around the house making breakfast, cleaning up from the night before, and checking in on the cyber world. I just had some buttery raisin toast in hand when I jumped on to my favorite alternative media message board on the FB. What I read, what I was witnessing, was truly disturbing. For over a decade I have enjoyed the forays into alternative media not just for the Technicolor ideas presented, but for the open reception of the audience. I have felt that, as a viewer, I could take what I agreed with from a presenter and leave the rest without either of us being “wrong” or “stupid” or “satanist” or wackadoo in some other way. I recognized that there were a wide variety of voices, all with at least some merit, that were brave and wanting to be heard.
Something in this recent US presidential election has flipped people’s crazy switch, however. I started to get emotional over, not the content of the post on this page, but the viewer’s responses to the post. I could not believe the judgement and hate mongering I was witnessing amongst the readers. This was my safe-haven for freedom of expression, and alternative points of view! But, these folks were falling hard for the blessed division of the Main (lame [thanks James Bartley]) Stream, and that ubiquitous, insidious Us Against Them mentality.
I personally feel that both candidates in this election are completely vile (for which I know I will receive backlash, if not solely from my mother ;) ), and that either one winning would have produced the same results with the public as the one we are seeing currently. It also seems to me that no agenda acted out by either character could possibly do as much damage to the public as what our collective responses to these figure heads are doing currently. What is surprising is how this safe haven (in my ever Pollyanna-ish mind) has almost completely fallen for Trump. It felt like the nonpartisan ship sank in this world when Alex Jones lost his shit over Hillary just a few weeks prior to election day. So, a man considered a shill and misinformationist just weeks before is now the voice of truth and reason?! For something as vital to our nation’s politics as the president?! Does no one find this suspect?!
One man does. Freeman Fly posted an episode just prior to election night asking us to consider that this whole dog and pony show is for the benefit of the few, and to stay clam and loving in the face of whatever outcome. Once again, I don’t buy in to everything Freeman says, but on this, I do believe he is right on. Please remember people that we are all sentient beings viewing a situation from slightly different points of reference. Due to that, we will all have differing perspectives and ideas, but that doesn’t make one an “idiot”, “stupid”, “moronic”, or even “evil”. Maybe someone else sees something that is hidden to you, and vice versa. What matters now most of all is loving each other, no matter who they voted for! They (and we) did (and do) for themselves what they feel is best. It is even our job as those leading the charge in Waking Up to love the unloveable, those we think are completely despicable. Everyone we encounter is a reflection of some aspect of ourselves (even those Doctors of Death and Genocidal Rulers), and the only way anyone has found to heal these “monsters” is to invite them to our metaphorical table and feed them the love they have lacked. We can help the evolution of our own soul, and the ascension of our whole planet by taking on this challenge.
Grandma Silver Star reminded us at Sundance this year that Creator gifted us the transmuting flame of Saint Germain for times like these. When we feel we are personally not capable of shifting from hate, anger, and fear to Love, call on that Violet Flame for assistance! We are not alone. We have help. We are all loved.