First published to SFHouseMouse.com on 6/15/2016
Right around the time that Fukushima had its meltdown, so did my life. The relationship that I thought I had—or wanted to have—turned out not to be, well, that; and the career that I had built my life around, turned out to be killing me. An existential crisis ensued, to say the least, when the veils of illusion dropped. The inward journey began, that Dark Night of the Soul.
One of the practices that got me through was to make prayer ties. In the few years leading up to this meltdown, I had been hanging out with a group of Plains Indians learning a little of the medicine they carry. Unci Kiaya taught me how to make the ties in a good way, and how to send my prayers to Creator. She must’ve seen a storm coming, because I was about to hold on to that ritual like it was my life line, and maybe in some ways it was.
During that time there were only two prayers: 1. I’m done with Soul Mates, Spirit! Please send my Divine Counterpart! 2. As long as money exists in this reality, I want to make good money in a good way. Please guide me to the right career for me.
Many earthquakes hit in the coming months, and things rattled and shook until I settled into a new life in the Bay Area—again. My family’s epicenter is The Bay, the grandparents are Berkeley High alumni, and I was born in the Hayward kaiser. But I hadn’t been back as a resident since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Funnily enough, for years I had sworn to friends who had relocated to SF that there wan’t enough money in Christendom to get me to live in The City. God laughed. No indeed, there wasn’t enough money, it would be for Love I would make that move.
Long story short, I met that much-prayed-for partner by the end of the next year, and at the beginning of this one we were married.
Sometime near the recent anniversary of Fukushima’s fall out, I found myself wondering about that second prayer. I had been tending the garden, soaking up the sun, and giving thanks for prayer #1 being answered. This new married life is nothing like what I would have created for myself, and it is absolutely perfect. And I thought, “I know all my prayers are answered. So, I wonder when prayer tie #2 will manifest? I wonder what that will look like?”
I feel like I walked in to the house from having that thought to answer a phone call from a long-time friend who now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She had been wondering if I would like to go into business with her—again. When we were in our early twenties, we started an event consulting business, Enchanted Engagements. We were on a path to doing very well, but my ambivalent love/hate relationship with my trade, and our youthful volatilities, collided to halt our progress.
She had been on my mind, too. I had just been reminiscing about the good ol’ days, and what might’a been, when she made her proposal. She caught me waxing nostalgic, and with the timing of things and the feeling in my gut, I knew the answer was yes. I had just gotten married to the intimate partner of my dreams, now I was going to come full circle and marry the business partner from my past.
Volcanique’s beginning has been just as dreamy as the early stages of my partnership with The Man, though in slightly different ways ;) So many desires brought me to this place, but it is not a path I would have conceived of on my own. My intimate partnership has given me the freedom and support to find my wings, and my business partnership is allowing me the opportunity to fly.
Wopila Tunkasila for answering my prayers!
Wopila Unci Maka for providing the resources to manifest those prayers!
Wopila to all of you who read this, and to all of Volcanique’s supporters, for allowing us to serve you now and in the future <3