Mama Bear Medicine

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Full Moon Reflection: Connection

The Pleiadian star system

I am sick of it. Everywhere I look, every piece of media I ingest, every time I walk in the woods, or stroll down the beach, or lay down for bed, or look at my daughter, I am reminded of the precipice upon which humanity stands. And, I am over it.

Only, I’m not.

Unfortunately, I care very deeply about all of the things on the table for us as a whole at this moment in time.

This full moon reflection comes during a full lunar eclipse, and that is often the portent for shadow work. The muted light calls up the unconscious and hidden aspects of our existence that we would rather stay in the underworld. This muck rises to the surface to be tended, and potentially cleared.

What has come to the surface for me during this eclipse is a need to get to the root of our collective malaise. There is a way that one world view has become so pervasive that we can look around and think that this is just the way all humans think and behave, that this is the inevitable outcome of the human condition; but that is not true. There are many varied ways of viewing reality, and of being human, but since they are not of the mind to conquer everyone and everything around them, those ways of being have been overlooked, considered inferior, or both. Now, however, might be a good time to start to seek out those other ways of being human that we at large have hitherto disregarded.

So, let me see if I can distill and clarify my meaning.

I recently watched Seaspiracy on Netflix, and am in the middle of reading Overstory. The Sun Dance ceremony is about to begin. Race relations continue to be horribly oppressive. Women’s rights are deteriorating in America. Plastics use continues to be all-pervasive. Oil pipelines continue to be illegally laid on indigenous land, and almost immediately leak. We are in a race to terraform other uninhabitable planets, whilst continuing to create an uninhabitable landscape of the one place we know we can actually thrive.

What The Fuck People?!

What is wrong with us?

As far as I can tell, it is the fallacious belief in the Western Mind (I call it that, even though it is a disease that has covered almost the entire globe [check out the works of Paul Levy on the subject of Wetiko]) that we are all separate. Every action is played out in a vacuum. Every organ in our bodies operates independent of one another. Every system of the planet works randomly and independently of the others. The other planetary bodies in our galaxy have no impact on our particular sphere. This is just all a series of coincidences chaotically playing out its unknowable magic.

What a load of crap.

We think that we are at the pinnacle of human existence and engineering because we have built opulent temples to our money gods, meanwhile homelessness and food insecurity are at levels unfathomable to traditional societies.

So, how do we do this thing? How do we enter into a celestial community with our Star brothers and sisters, traveling through space exploring the Universe, while living in a truly sustainable way back on our home planet?

This has long been a question in my heart since well before the many nations of Earth decided to unveil their UFO files. Some of my spiritual practices involve various teachings from indigenous elders who have shared their Star ancestry and insights. Some of these elders channel Pleiadians, and claim that race is really Earth Humans from the future. It sounds funny, but for me, it is within the realm of possibility. This thought also plays on questions that came up in an unsanctioned philosophy group I was a part of in my early 20s where we considered how humanity could continue to exist with all its myriad niceties like indoor plumbing, individual transportation, and personal computers, while maintaining a thriving ecological balance.

I don’t know.

But, a good place to start might be to consider the many ways everything is connected, and hence impacted, in our way of life. It is super awesome to be able to go to a grocery store and buy our sustenance. But, do we need a whole warehouse full of Chilean Sea Bass, or strawberries in December shipped from toxic slave labor farms in Guatemala? Probably not.

I am not bringing these particular points up to say, “Stop doing this one thing”. I think that is a useless sentiment. I am reminded of a statement by Daniel Quinn in his novel Ishmael where he talks about sticking twigs in the river bank expecting to divert the flow. As long as manufacturers wrap items in plastic, I will consume plastic. As long as household (and other) products are made with toxic forever chemicals, I will continue to wield them. As long as on-demand delivery options exist, I am going to use them, and so will you (most likely). It is ridiculous to think that if a product or service exists that it is the duty of the consumer to deny it because of the moral high ground—especially if no other option of similar quality is provided. 

Instead, to get to the heart of why all this imbalance exists, and persists, let’s address that root. 

Everything is connected. Everything has an impact on everything. Maybe it’s enough to just start here. Maybe it’s enough to start to consider where all the garbage goes. Why was that land for the city dump considered less valuable than the land my home is placed on. What wildlife and ecosystem was displaced for that to be a thing. What resources were necessary for this one car or phone to be made, and in my possession. What needed to happen to get that clamshell of berries to my banquet in the off-season. Were they grown in the soil and sun, or a hothouse. Were petrochemicals used to fertilize or deter other life from ingesting. Were they flown, boated, driven, or a combo of those three to get to me. How were the humans treated who did these things. Is it all necessary? Maybe the reason a strawberry in August tastes so good is because it only comes once a year. A sweet treat is such a delight when we get it for our birthday, or to celebrate a family gathering, but when we eat a sheet cake every day, then the delicate balance of our body’s ecosystem starts to break down, and this is the way with everything in existence. 

This isn’t a very clear or concise post today. I am sorry for that. I am enraged and exhausted and fatigued and collapsed around these subjects. I don’t know why humans act this way, or why we can’t seem to stop doing things that we know are destructive. I also believe that it is part of Humanity’s greatness, and even destiny, for us to become part of an even greater community—one that involves many star nations—and I don’t have any answers. For me, one way lies with rediscovering our interconnectedness. Every part of our body is connected to the others. Our left hip has an effect on our right shoulder. Or adrenal glands affect our muscle density. Every part of this planet has an impact on all the other parts. If we overfish for human consumption, then other creatures who also depend on those fish for sustenance get impacted. If we cut down all the trees, then that has an impact on all the other things. 

If our collective could reawaken to our connection—if we just shifted our consciousness this little bit—maybe we might start to see the whole picture change with it. Maybe we don’t have to fight so hard with everyone and everything around us, if we do the work to shift our own individual perspective. I can’t change the whole damned world around me, and it is breaking me with the trying, but I can make the shift in my perspective, and maybe that is enough.