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Image Credit to Robin Clark

Anger Burn

For so many women, anger has been a taboo emotion, earning us degradation and time-outs, if not worse.

It’s time to leave that in the past. It is time to lean in and let this potent ally flow through us like water.

It is time to stop sacrificing our own health and wellness in service to being a “Good Girl” and to allow for this villainized feeling to have a voice in our lives.


ANGER is trying to tell us something.

Let’s give her a chance to speak, and make ourselves available to listen.


When it comes to the pain of our anger, we can get locked up with our repression, isolation, and shame.

We are more likely to continue to tolerate the situation that is anger inducing, instead of taking the steps to dislodge the burr.

And when you are in the grip of any strong emotion, whether it’s joy, pain, sadness, ecstasy, grief, overwhelm, anxiety, or nirvana, all there really is to do in that moment is to take it in. To open yourself up like a hollow bone and let the sensation pour through you.

THIS is how you begin to shift the feeling.

This is how you can begin to get into action.

And this is why we anger burn.

Anger is here to be our ally.

She is one of our primary defense systems that alerts us to potential danger, helps fortify healthy boundaries, can propel us out of depression, and aids our personal protection.

If we ignore anger, we end up getting hurt.

If we are engaged with our anger in a less healthy way, we end up hurting those around us—often, those we love the most.

This is why anger burns are so powerful.

It is a chance to See another say and feel the same things that are in our own hearts, which can be very empowering, soothing, and healing.

One of the biggest benefits to doing this type of work in a group is walking away with the knowledge that you are not alone.


I have been working with anger in a professional capacity for years.

Sitting with client after client experiencing issues with her anger, I saw that most of the women I would see had trouble recognizing their anger at all!

They had suppressed this basic emotion for so long that it appeared to have been eradicated from their lives. The other 20% went the other direction. These women would go ballistic for simply leaving a dirty spoon in the sink—or something seemingly as innocuous.


Either way, anger was causing the problem.


What we are doing in this container is allowing ourselves to be in a space with others while we feel both our own rage flow through us, without hindrance or judgment; as well as sitting with other women experiencing their own anger, and feeling how that impacts our experience.

There is no need for this to be performative. Anger can be expressed in myriad ways. For some, it is quiet swaying or soft tears, while one becomes more acquainted with something that has long been regarded as taboo. For others, this will look like screaming, punching, stomping, pushing, and cursing. Maybe you have all of those expressions inside you.

All is welcome here.

In the past, I have chosen to only host these burns in person. The nature of the work we are doing is something that I was having a hard time translating. It is so jaw-dropping to be imerssed in the power of women's anger. It can really help to open up access for those women who have repressed theirs for so long that they no longer feel their own anger directly. And, it can relieve the self-judgement for those women who have ample access to their anger and have felt shame about it.

However there are so many women, from all over the planet, who need and *deserve* to have access to these events that I have begun to offer them online too.

If you want to hear when the next event is happening, join the waitlist below.