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Dancing In
The Dreamtime

Go within and find your own Path of Direct Revelation

Connect with The Mysteries to build more personal power, deepen access to your internal navigation system and learn how to navigate through both darkness and light with grace. Our journey begins Friday, November 1st.

Shamanic Journeywork is an ancient, innate technology that resides within each of us—a powerful tool for deep transformation. Though often forgotten in the modern world, it is part of our natural human essence.

As the year draws to a close, I invite you to join a small, intimate group where we will learn to dance together in the Dreamtime, exploring the sacred and the unseen and getting to know ourselves better in the process.


What is Dancing in the Dreamtime?

Dancing in the Dreamtime is a sacred 7-week invitation to step into the world of shamanic journeying— and learn these tools can support you in your healing journey.

Over seven weeks, we’ll gather as a community to explore the spaces between the seen and unseen, awakening parts of ourselves that have long been waiting to speak. Shamanic Journeywork has been such a useful tool for me personally to deepen my knowledge of Self, heal from PTSD, dig my way out of cyclical morbid depression, and to call in the romantic partnership of my dreams…

In this course, you will discover a gentle, yet potent, practice that invites you to journey inward and experience the power of ceremony in a way that you can hold yourself through.

We will harness the magic and potency of doing this work in a group space, co-created and guided by your own rhythms and guides.This work is personal, powerful, and steady. You won’t be blasted into an overwhelming experience; instead, you’ll be invited to unfurl slowly and intentionally. We will learn to dance with the dreams, walk with the allies, and uncover the wisdom of the soul—all at your own pace, with your nervous system fully supported.

Each week, we will create a container of trust and safety, where the work can unfold in community. Together, we will journey, share, and integrate, weaving the sacred into the everyday.

This course is for you if you’re ready to stop searching outside of yourself for the answers and instead, reconnect with the magic, wisdom, and power that’s already within.

Investment Options

The Dancing in the Dreamtime course spans seven weeks, with group calls taking place every Friday at 1 PM Pacific for 90 minutes (with a pause on Black Friday).

Together, from All Saints’ Day to December 20th, we will gather to explore shamanic journeywork in a small, supportive community.

For $550, or three payments of $184, you’ll have access to 6 group calls, a WhatsApp group for ongoing support and integration, and five opportunities to journey with others.

As we close out the year, let’s take stock of the harvest: what this year has brought, what we’ve learned, and what we are stepping into next. In reclaiming these practices, you’ll access your own intrinsic power, all within a safe space that honors both your heritage and your unique path.


Pay In full


Three monthly payments


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Detail 1

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Detail 3

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