Shields are very helpful for defending against unwanted attacks. In the world of energy healers teaching about how to shield is foundational. The basics are about cleansing your energy body, and then bolstering the perimeter. This might look like visualizing a swirl of roses flowing all around you starting at the top of your head and finishing with the soles of your feet. Then, watch as all of the roses—stems, thorns, and all—are placed in a capsule and shot into the Sun. After the cleanse, the bolster: now one takes a moment to see themselves inside a reflective crystal, swirling pink bubble, or robin’s egg. The idea being that we first are scrubbing away all that is not ours, and sending it to the sun to be processed in a good way. Followed by an upgrade in our security system as we go about our day.
Interestingly, there has been a trend emerging lately, for the need to PUT DOWN the shield. What seems to be emerging is the OVERUSE of one’s shield, an unconscious use—and over-exaggeration—of one’s boundaries such that there is a block to intimacy with loved ones, and giant walls separating the clients from their most heartfelt desires. These are roadblocks to the Dharmic Path that even Ganesh can’t trample, since they are for “protection” and come from one’s own energy body—one’s own heart.
Shielding is an important tool for the Mastery of Life. It is a foundation stone that teaches us DISCERNMENT. Mom was right when she told us not to touch the hot stove, not to cross the street without looking both ways, and maybe even when she warned us not to hang out with “those people”—not everything is healthy for us. TRUST and FAITH only count toward part of our lives’ equation. We must, at some point in our growth, be able (and willing) to CHOOSE for OURSELVES what is safe, nurturing, life-giving, and beneficial to our WHOLE. Our shield helps us to not only block the venomous snake bite, but gives us time to investigate if the snake about to spring is really poisonous at all. That shield can also block our view of the coiled snake—and the paths to avoid her—altogether.
When is it a good time to put down your shield, or “hang it on the wall”? Great question! Of course, only YOU can answer that question for yourself. Practice makes perfect, as they say. So, maybe practice UN-shielding for a few moments, when you are in a space you know is safe and protected. Do you have a few moments during the day you can take to visualize your personal shield being hung on the wall, and surrendering to the vulnerability of being exposed? Do you have a friend, or partner, you could perform this exercise with on a regular basis? Someone with whom you can both safely share the feelings that arise when you think of exposing your soft undersides? Are there feelings of fear? Tension? Contraction? Relief? Tiredness? Grief? Intense Love? Feelings of Freedom? How can putting down your own shield, and standing tall in your own vulnerability, help you get closer to that which you desire to manifest?
The parallels between what is showing up on a deeply personal level for clients lately, and that of our National Narrative do not go unnoticed. As above, so below. Is it possible that in this stage our our national evolution that we could have a STRONGER defense by “lowering our wall”? Do you feel constantly under attack? If so, are you in a position to discern whether or not that is true? Do you have the time to slow down for a few moments and FEEL what the threat of attack is like in your BODY? What does it feel like to LOVE your attackers? What might happens if, instead of putting up your shield and spear to those firing arrows, you offered a real, or metaphorical, hug? Most of us, like this country, are not facing actual bullets, though that might be the fear and the feeling. We do still have the opportunity to safely lead with VULNERABILITY and COMPASSION.
There are many times in this crazy age that is upon us when I am overwhelmed by the feeling like, “What can I do to help?”, “How can I make a difference?”, “How can I change this situation?” If we are to “be the change we want to see in the world”, How the F do I do that?!?! Well, this might just be one of the ways. If there is only one thing that having my daughter has taught me, it is that we do actually, for real real, live in a Holographic Universe! You really do have the power to change EVERYTHING in the world around you (and US!), and all that it requires is to make the most daring and brave journey of all—The Journey WITHIN.